
Samstag, 2. Mai 2015

How old do I look?

When I was searching the app store out of curiosity, it gave me a couple of "favourite search words". 

One of them was: How old do I look

This kind of startled me because I thought this was more of a rhetoric question and that the answer, as usual, lies within the person that asks. We know the answers, yet still keep searching for them on the outside. Some like to be flattered and some, like me, have been struggling with looking younger since...ever. 

Of course this has its good sides, for example, hopefully, in ten years time, I will still look like my daughters older sister. But still has its down sides too when it comes to respect.

A couple of years ago I was asked for my ID in a club, but unfortunately didn't bring it with me. Luckily I had my birth date tatted. I was 25 and already gave birth once which led me to having a kind of attitude asking the bouncer: Really?!

Last week I went to the Kiosk with my rollerblading kids (I am mentioning this, because my eldest daughter is my height when she wears roller blades; yes, I not only look young but also am tiny) and the guy working there, really thought we were sisters. That was fun and weird at the same time.

So, I found this website, where you can check ANY picture, your own or from the www to have a "machine" guess the age and gender. The machine didn't get my age right once, instead guesses me 13 years younger. (Flattering and fun, for sure). But what if it makes you older than you are? Is that also flattering and fun? Maybe for some.

Are you brave enough to try it yourself? 
Then click here:

If you would like to see an evaluation of the world's favorite rappers:

If you like apps, there you have these smart inventors from Copenhagen, who thought combining selfies, age guessing and socializing would be a good idea, using their app with the same name "How old do I look?". You can randomly guess other people and have them guess you. So, it's you vs the world, rather than vs a machine. 

To see the game at itunes, click here:

I recently read an article about the oldest -currently living- woman on the planet, and it seems like everybody is desperately trying to find the answer to the ultimate utmost important question: What is the recipe for a long and healthy life? This woman, who is around 115 (this is REALLY old) is not able to move around anymore and swears on eating eggs (not sure if raw) as her recipe to getting this old. 

When it comes to sayings I guess this one is right:
You are only as old as you feel. Yes, I do feel like 20. Sometimes. ;)

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