
Donnerstag, 12. März 2015



To start off with the YOGA BASICS Hip Opener series, we'll begin Part 1 with a really simple one, the Low Lunge

(Yes, there is a High Lunge, which I'm going to post as Part 2.) Lunges are part of our basic movement patterns, just a little over exaggerated. Every step you take, while walking, can be a Hip Opener if you activate your Glutes. Over time with certain variations the Low Lunge can get really intense. And as I have recently learned: through new scientific reasearch regarding the topic of stretching the FASCIA with Yoga, it's really good for your Neuro system to change the way you practice from now and then, so that your system can adapt and grow through new input/ new challenges. As I said before in the Intro to this series, I am showing you variations of Hip Openers that are EASY for your lower back. In classic ANJANEYASANA the torso is upright, the arms reach for the stars, possibly you sink deeper into the groin. This needs to be done with perfect care and good alignment for your lower spine. I am purposely leaving this out, for now. 


  • optional padding/ blanket underneath the kneeling knee.
  • optional Yogablocks/ or books underneath your  hands.


  • releases tension in hips
  • stretches hamstrings, quadriceps, psoas
  • strengthens your knee
  • helps build mental focus


  • do not practice with pain, esp. in Groins or Hips


  • From Downdog, lift right leg up into Eka Pada Adho Mukha Shvanasana (One Legged Downdog) 

  • Exhale step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning the right knee over the heel.

  • Lower your left knee to the ground (optional padding), keeping the right knee in place.
  • By pressing down the ball of my back foot, you can increase the length in your left groin. 

  • You can also drop the top of the left foot flat.
  • Palms or fingertips down, optional Hands on Blocks.
  • With each inhale imagine lengthening your spine forward, dropping your tailbone toward the floor, lifting your pubic bone up, towards your navel.

  • With each exhale sink into your Hips.
  • Inhale lift your left knee off the floor, Exhale step back into Downdog.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Note on the side: Count your breaths, so that you can hold both sides for approx. equal amount of time. It is quite common that the left side, the other side is being held for a little shorter while. Stay for about 15 breaths on each side or set a timer and hold each side for about 1-2 Minutes. 

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